Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is this floating rock real or a waking dream?

The Unbearable Lightness of Being: 4:30 PM on11/18/12

Walking the dog at Northwood Meadows,
teetering between being light and heavy,
between happiness and sadness,
meaning and nothingness.
Under an equally ambiguous sky,
teetering between day and night,
sun and clouds,
hot and cold.

Without warning, a floating rock reveals herself,
The Unbearable Lightness of Being*,
perfectly symbolizing my mental state
caught between lightness and weight,
an inscrutable paradox:
Is life a circle of eternal return
or just a disappearing act?
Is this floating rock real
or a waking dream?

* this phrase taken from the title of the renowned novel by Milan Kundera

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