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Beautiful, hard-working Pittsfield Jean Stimmell ©2013 |
Ray Duckler recently wrote a disturbing column in the Concord Monitor about Pittsfield, one of NH’s property-poor towns, struggling to provide an adequate education for their kids. He quotes one of Pittsfield’s high school students, who addressed the Senate last summer: ”every year, we’re set up to lose more and more, and at some point, there’s just going to be nothing left.”
I have many fond memories from attending Pittsfield High School many years ago and received, at that time, an education good enough to get into Columbia. But, over the years, our educational system has become increasingly unequal, hamstringing property-poor towns, increasingly unable to raise enough money to provide quality education, despite paying sky-high property taxes.
While it is gratifying that our nation is finally facing up to a history of gross discrimination in many areas like race, gender, and religion, no one talks about class: Class remains the third rail, shunned by polite company. But the truth is, it’s the poor and working-class in these towns who get hurt the worst. Our leaders have betrayed them.
The situation goes beyond improving education. With bipartisan support, the legislature has tried to start leveling the playing field by mandating a livable wage (our current minimum of $7.25 is a joke), affordable daycare, family leave, things like that. But Governor Sununu has vetoed every bill.
Now Covid-19 has magnified these already existing inequities. Sure, perhaps you are doing okay if you are working at home, still earning your old salary with benefits, yet still faced with the dilemma of whether to send your kids to school – or not. You might be okay if you are retired with a decent pension or IRA.
But what about the bulk1 of our residents who suffer from financial insecurity, or the 40% who don’t have enough savings to pay for a $400 car repair2? What about those laid off from jobs that may never come back and the health insurance that disappeared with it?
Or what about our fellow citizens still squeaking by on poorly-paid, essential jobs, worried first and foremost about getting Covid; and second, if school doesn’t open, will they keep their job or quit to homeschool the kids?
Without a functioning government or personal wealth, what do you do?
First of all, don’t vote for Chris Sununu. Yeah, I know he seems to be an affable guy. And, yes, he has done a pretty good job managing the Covid pandemic. But the heart of the matter is, he is the last in a long line of prominent politicians, anointed by the Union Leader to take the pledge, promising to ax the tax on rich people.
View Governor Sununu for what he really is: CEO of Club New Hampshire, a resort catering to the well-to-do and big business owners. The famed “New Hampshire Advantage” gives members a fantastic benefit, unsurpassed by any other state: all club fees are waived. No income taxes will ever be deducted from their bulging pocketbooks.
Without question, that’s the most unfair aspect of our tax system. It puts all the burden on those who can least afford it. And it did not happen by accident. Previous legislatures have consistently voted to increase taxes that affect the working class. Working people in N.H. now pay four times as much of their income in state and local taxes than our wealthiest residents.3
Covid-19 only sweetens the pot for Sununu’s Club. Fat cats nationwide are fleeing congested cities to move to NH for its rural character and unspoiled lakes and mountains. They are snapping up high-end real estate within surroundings they are accustomed to: high value, property-rich towns, populated with fellow high-income families. Poor towns like Pittsfield and Franklin, as usual, are left out in the cold.
Of course, part of NH’s charm for these new-comers is not having to pay income tax. Even before Covid, our state had the seventh-highest percentage of U.S.millionaires, making up 8% of our households.4
As Duckler illustrates so well in his column, working folks, particularly in poor towns, are getting screwed: Paying an exorbitant 4 times as much of their income in taxes as the rich, yet treated like a skunk at a garden party by Governor Sununu, servant of his privileged class patrons.
1 https://www.forbes.com/sites/donnafuscaldo/2019/11/15/most-americans-struggling-financially-despite-the-strong-economy/#3b1af9404b6b
2 https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/20/heres-why-so-many-americans-cant-handle-a-400-unexpected-expense.html
3 http://www.faireconomy.org/new_hampshire_capital_gains_and_estate_tax_amendments
4 https://www.statista.com/statistics/294941/largest-ratio-millionaire-households-per-capita-us/
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Well said.
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