
Monday, August 15, 2011

That first day of school!

Enveloped in a certain sultry haze
A pungent ripeness fills the air
I’ve got that old end-of-summer sad feeling
As my wife goes off to teach today:
It’s the first day of the new school year.

It takes me back in time
To a vivid image I have of my son:
Dressed and ready to start first grade,
Waiting anxiously, pencil box in hand,
One hour before the school bus was due.

And farther back yet to when I was a boy:
Dreading the end of summer vacation,
Haunted by the obnoxious back-to-school refrain
 Played nonstop by our first clothing store chain
Penetrating my denial like a dentist’s drill:
“It’s back to Robert Hall Again.”

1 comment:

  1. I remember that little boy's first day of school. Hand knit sweater lovingly created for the important day. A wave goodbye, a last look up the driveway for an encouraging smile from Mom, and here comes the bus. GREAT poem by the way. And I too remember Robert Hall.
