
Friday, December 17, 2010

Just Being One With the Sound of My Skates

Just Being One With the Sound of My Skates
Skating on Jenness  Pond 12/17/10*

Rosy glow of sunset and fuzzy three-quarter moon rising
Both reflected on the glossy anthracite transparent ice.
Seeing the underwater rocks and weeds speed by
As if I were a bird, beyond time and space
Speeding effortlessly by

A sudden, sharp crack of ice expanding
Sounding like Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle
Breaks the spell
Causing me to seek safe passage
Around the gushing brook
Where incoming water makes the ice unsafe

Reminding me of my father’s tale
Of the farmer on the hot day in August
Who brought his workhorses here,
Still in harness, to drink.
Who could have guessed,
They would sink in the quick sand,
Never to be seen from again.

Life is precious, Life is short:
How better to celebrate it then
Just being one with the sound of my skates.

*Unfortunately, I forgot my camera when I was skating this evening. The best substitute I can provide is this photograph I took of an icy puddle in November '07– with a shape similar to Jenness Pond.

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