
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Life is a flowing, changing process

“Life, at its best, is a flowing, changing process in which nothing is fixed. In my clients and myself I find when life is richest and most rewarding it is a flowing process. 

"To experience this is both fascinating and a little frightening. I find I am at my best when I can let the flow of my experience carry me, in a direction which appears to be forward, toward goals of which I am but dimly aware. In thus floating with the complex stream of my experiencing, and in trying to understand its ever-changing completity, it should be evident that there are no fixed points. When I am thus able to be in process, it is clear that there can be no closed system of beliefs, no unchanging set of principles which I hold. Life is guided by a changing understanding of and interpretation of my experience. It is always in process of becoming. ” (P. 27).

Above quotes by Carl Rogers in "On Becoming a Person;" Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston. 1961. Photo is of reflections on Jenness Pond 10/14/07

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